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10 Foods for Weight Gain and Loss

Updated: Jun 23, 2021

The Harvard School of Public Health released findings from a huge federally funded study that analyzed data collected from 120,000+ men and women over the last 12-20 years on how various foods and beverages, exercise, sleep patterns and lifestyle choices impacted one's weight. Their findings revealed the notion that it's not just a matter of how many calories you eat, it's also about the nutritional make-up of those calories. Below is a list of the five foods that have contributed to the steady weight gain as well as the five foods that have contributed to noted weight loss of the study's participants:

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5 Foods that Contribute to Weight Gain

1. Potato chips

2. Potatoes (baked, mashed or boiled)

3. Sugar-sweetened beverages

4. Unprocessed red meat

5. Processed meat (lunch meat)

5 Foods that Contribute to Weight Loss

1. Vegetables

2. Fruit

3. Whole, unprocessed grains

4. Nuts

5. Yogurt

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